Published on May 05, 2024

Five tips for renting your first coworking space


Cinco tips para elegir tu espacio de coworking

Are you looking for a professional workspace to help take your freelance business to the next level? Coworking spaces are an excellent option for freelancers and remote workers who need a dedicated workspace, but don't want the overhead of renting their own office. Here are five tips for finding and renting your first coworking space.

  1. Know What You Need - Before you start your search, it's important to know exactly what you need from a coworking space. How much desk space do you require? Do you need access to meeting rooms? Are there any amenities that would be helpful for your work? Make sure you have a clear idea of your requirements before beginning your search.
  2. Location Matters - When choosing a coworking space, location is key. Try to find one close enough to where you live or in an area convenient to public transportation so that it's easy to get there. You should also consider the local environment; is it safe and secure? Is there access to shops and restaurants nearby? All of these factors can influence how productive and comfortable you feel in your new workspace.
  3. Check Out the Amenities - Not all coworking spaces are created equal; some offer more amenities than others. Look into what each space offers in terms of shared resources like privacy booths, cafeteria, lounge areas, fresh air spaces, meeting rooms, etc., as well as other perks such as free coffee or events access. Make sure that whatever space you choose has all the amenities you need for success!
  4. Consider Community - One of the great things about coworking spaces is that they come with an instant community of like-minded people who can provide valuable insight and support for your business ventures. Take time to visit each potential location and read reviews from current members about their experiences so that you can get a better sense of what kind of environment each space provides before making your decision.
  5. Read The Fine Print - Before signing any contracts, make sure that read through all the details carefully so that you understand exactly what is included in the agreement—as well as any extra costs associated with using the facility outside normal hours or availing yourself of additional services like meeting room hours, that might not be covered by your membership fee.

Coworking spaces are becoming increasingly popular among freelancers and entrepreneurs alike because they provide access to quality workspaces without all the complications of running an office space and breaking the bank—but it’s important to do some research first before committing yourself financially into a long-term agreement for something like this!

At Spacebar Coworking Spaces we have crafted every detail of our coworking experience, yet it may not be for everyone, so schedule a visit and consider us while following these five tips.  We hope you are able to find the perfect coworking space suited to your needs and budget!


Jorge Treviño

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