Published on May 05, 2024

Increasing productivity in shared workspaces


Aumento de la productividad en espacios de coworking

For freelancers, finding the perfect workspace is a delicate balancing act. On one hand, you need an environment that is conducive to productivity—one that is quiet, organized, and free from distractions. On the other hand, however, you need a space that allows for collaboration and creativity. Fortunately, there are ways to make coworking spaces work for everyone involved! Here are some tips on how to increase productivity in shared workspaces.

Create Boundaries

When it comes to successfully navigating a shared workspace, it is important to establish boundaries with yourself as well as with your coworkers. Create rules and guidelines for yourself that will help keep you productive and focused when working in a shared space. Make sure to also respect the boundaries of your coworkers by not taking up too much of their time or space while they are working. This can be done through simple things like not having loud conversations near others’ desks or setting up times when you can meet with one another without disrupting the workflow of others.

Set Working Hours

One way to ensure everyone gets the most out of their shared workspace is by establishing set working hours. It can be helpful for all parties involved if everyone agrees on certain times during which noise levels should be kept at a minimum so that those who need quiet time can focus without interruption. This will also allow for more efficient collaboration between coworkers when needed as everyone will have an understanding of when it’s appropriate to talk and work together without disrupting the flow of everyone else’s workflow. 

Reduce Distractions

Shared workspaces often come with many distractions such as loud conversations or music playing in the background which can disrupt productivity levels significantly. To reduce these distractions, it could be helpful to create designated areas where talking or listening to music are allowed so that those who need silence can easily find it elsewhere in the workspace if needed.

Additionally, making sure all phones and other devices are silenced during work hours ensures that no one’s attention gets taken away from their tasks unnecessarily while they are at work. 

Shared workspaces don’t have to be chaotic or unproductive places; they can actually be incredibly beneficial when managed correctly!

For freelancers looking to maximize their efficiency while still being able to collaborate with others around them, following these tips on increasing productivity in shared workspaces can help ensure success no matter what kind of workspace you find yourself in! With just a few adjustments here and there, anyone can make any shared workspace into one that is both productive and collaborative – no matter what industry you may be part of!


Jorge Treviño

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