Published on May 05, 2024

Think Tanks, unleashing the power of team brainstorming


Think Tanks, liberando el poder de la lluvia de ideas en equipo

Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, you know that brainstorming with your team is essential for creating fresh ideas and inspiring innovation. That said, many people struggle to come up with productive ways to brainstorm as a team. Let’s take a look at how you can make the most of your group brainstorming sessions:

Be Prepared

The best way to make the most out of your team brainstorming session is to be prepared. Before beginning any creative process, it’s important to define what it is you want to accomplish. Ask yourself questions like “What do we want to achieve?”, “What are our goals?”, and “How can we measure success?” Answering these questions will help keep the conversation focused on the task at hand and give everyone involved an understanding of what needs to be achieved.

 Set The Tone

It’s also important to set a relaxed but productive tone in order for any idea-sharing session to be successful. Giving everyone equal time and space in which they can contribute their thoughts is key here; this ensures that no one person dominates the conversation and allows everyone an opportunity for self-expression. Additionally, encouraging everyone (even those who are hesitant) to voice their opinions in a respectful manner helps create an open dialogue that encourages collaboration instead of competition between co-workers.

 Be Creative

Finally, don't be afraid to get creative with your brainstorming sessions! There are plenty of fun activities that teams can engage in when trying to think outside the box. For example, having each member write down ideas on individual Post-It notes before pasting them together into one large visual board can help generate new perspectives from all angles while also giving everyone involved an opportunity to be creative and have some fun with their work!

Brainstorming as a team is no easy feat. Everyone has their own ideas and perspectives, which can lead to disagreements and confusion. To make your brainstorming sessions more productive, it’s also important to establish some ground rules around how you run the session. Here are a few additional key tips to keep in mind:

  • Start with a clear objective: Before your team gets started, make sure everyone knows what the goal of the session is. This will help guide the conversation and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Put yourself in others’ shoes: Encourage your team members to look at ideas from different perspectives. This will help ensure that everyone’s ideas are heard, and it also makes it easier to come up with creative solutions.
  • Be open to all ideas: Make sure your team knows that there is no “wrong” answer. Allowing them to express their thoughts freely will make the brainstorming process more productive and enjoyable.


Generating New Ideas

Once you’ve established the basics of your brainstorming session, it’s time to start coming up with new ideas. Here are a few tips for generating fresh ideas as a team:

  • Brainstorm in rounds: Divide the group into smaller teams, and have each team come up with their own ideas. After a set amount of time, have the teams present their ideas to the rest of the group and discuss them.
  • Ask questions: Instead of just presenting ideas, ask your team members open-ended questions such as “How could we do this better?” or “What do you think about this approach?”
  • Try something different: Brainstorming doesn’t have to be a traditional sit-down session. Try brainstorming over dinner, in the park, or while playing a game together. This will shake things up and make the process more enjoyable.

Brainstorming with your team is an essential part of running a successful business. Teamwork makes the dream work — especially when it comes to brainstorming! The key is setting clear expectations beforehand so that everyone knows what needs to be accomplished during each session as well as allowing ample room for creativity throughout the process. By doing this, you'll ensure that every idea-sharing session is both productive and enjoyable! So go ahead — unleash your team's full potential today by using these helpful tips for successful brainstorming sessions!

Think tanks are great for providing innovative solutions to complex problems. But not everyone has access to the resources necessary to host and grow their think tank. That's why Spacebar Coworking Spaces is a great option for running a successful think tank.

We provide a comfortable environment that is conducive to collaboration and creativity and offer access to amenities such as training rooms, high-speed internet, break-out spaces, and even a cafeteria for lunch breaks. These amenities make it easier to host meetings and workshops, which can often be an integral part of think tanks.

By using our think tank your team can focus on their mission rather than getting bogged down in logistics or distracted by everyday work tasks. This means that they can have the resources necessary to tackle their greatest challenges, get creative and come up with innovative solutions that will have a lasting impact.



Jorge Treviño

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